Mount Henry Jetty at the Mount Henry Bridge Reserve on Mount Pleasant foreshore by Canning River with views of Perth CBD skyline 10km away

Walk by Canning River: Mount Henry Bridge Reserve

Mount Henry Bridge Reserve

Mount Henry Bridge Reserve is located right underneath the Mount Henry Bridge by Canning River in the Mount Pleasant suburb, a 15-minute drive south of Perth CBD. 

The reserve is a green space with exercise equipment, playground, seating, accessible toilets, and ample parking.  This is the perfect park for you to use the exercise equipment while the kids play in the playground. 

Kerbside Café, a mobile café, opens regularly in the reserve from morning till mid-afternoon.  Check out Kerbside Cafe Facebook Page for opening hours.

Mount Henry Jetty

Mount Henry Jetty is located across the road from Mount Henry Bridge Reserve.  While you can still walk on the jetty, the northern end of the jetty is closed due to structural deterioration at the time of writing this blog.  The City of Melville plans to replace the jetty in 2022/23.

Deep Water Point Reserve

From Mount Henry Bridge Reserve, you may walk or jog north by the riverside walkway to Deep Water Point Reserve.  The one-way distance is 1.5km between the two reserves. 

If you feel energetic, you may even continue to walk or jog another 1.5km from Deep Water Point Reserve to Canning Bridge.  Read the Deep Water Point Reserve <-> Canning Bridge by Canning River Blog to find out more.

Mount Henry Bridge 

Mount Pleasant foreshore is connected to Salter Point by pedestrian walkways on Mount Henry Bridge.  Therefore, you may walk or jog on the Mount Henry Bridge pedestrian walkways to get to Salter Point on the other side of Canning River.

Mount Henry Bridge is 688m long and 28.8m wide.  The pedestrian walkways and cycleways are constructed on the lower flanges of the bridge structure on both sides of the bridge.  Therefore, you are one level below the Kwinana Freeway and kept away safely from the fast-moving vehicles.

Want to discover more great walking locations around Perth?  Check out the “By the Waters” blogs.

Mount Henry Bridge Reserve is located right underneath the Mount Henry Bridge by Canning River in the Mount Pleasant suburb, a 15-minute drive south of Perth CBD
