Freshwater Bay Peppermint Grove foreshore area

Walk by the Swan River: Freshwater Bay

Freshwater Bay is a 20-minute drive southwest of Perth CBD and is about 5 km upstream from the mouth of the Swan River at Fremantle.  The foreshore of Freshwater Bay stretches over 4 suburbs from Dalkeith, Claremont, Peppermint Grove, to Mosman Park. 

Peppermint Grove Foreshore

Peppermint Grove foreshore area between Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club and Scotch College boat Shed has relatively calm water because the area is sheltered from waves and winds by Point Walter Sand Spit and the surrounding limestone cliffs.  It is the calm water that makes this area a popular mooring point for many recreational boats.

Keane’s Point, where Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club is located, has a public carpark facility so park your car here if you are driving.  

Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club was founded in 1896.   Outside the Yacht Club, there are 3 boat sheds, which were built in the early 1900s.  The Yacht Club and the boat sheds are prominent landmarks on the Swan River. 

As you walk from Keane’s Point in the northern direction by the riverside, you will find Scotch College Boat Shed, also built in the early 1900s.

The spectacular views of Freshwater Bay and the Swan River will make this short walk very pleasant and relaxed.

Have a lot more energy?  Continue the walk past Scotch College Boat Sheds.  Take note you will be walking on sloppy walk paths between The Esplanade and the river.

Need rest and a coffee?  Try the popular Freshwaters Café at Keane’s Point.  Or enjoy your takeaway coffee on one of the benches by the Swan River.

Want to discover more great walking locations around Perth?  Check out the “By the Waters” blogs.

Peppermint Grove foreshore area between Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club and Scotch College boat Shed has relatively calm water because the area is sheltered from waves and winds by Point Walter Sand Spit and the surrounding limestone cliffs.
