Point Reserve has an abundance of wildlife

Walk By The Swan River: Point Reserve <-> Kings Meadow Reserve

Point Reserve

Point Reserve in the Bassendean suburb is located on the bank of the Swan River.  The reserve is not huge but it has large native trees and an abundance of wildlife.  You may sit on a bench by the river bank, enjoy the picturesque riverview and appreciate the quiet moments.  The reserve has other facilities such as barbecues, playground, seating, toilets, and parking.   What about having a family picnic here?

There were 2 Jetties here but both were removed in May 2020 due to termite infestation.

Looking across the Swan River, you will see Kings Meadow Reserve (also called Kings Meadow Oval) on the other side of the Swan River. 


Kings Meadow Reserve

Like Point Reserve, Kings Meadow Reserve in the Guildford suburb is an attractive riverside spot with great facilities for family picnics.  The Reserve is where Helena River runs into the Swan River.  It is a very popular fishing spot.  Unlike Point Reserve, there is no toilet here and you park your car in an open gravel area.


Walk from Point Reserve to Kings Meadow Reserve

What about taking a walk from Point Reserve to Kings Meadow Reserve or the other way around, so you visit both reserves on foot?  Unfortunately, some part of the riverside trail on Point Reserve side is fenced off, you will need to detour and walk away from the river bank. 

From Point Reserve, you walk by the entry road into the Reserve and turn right into North Road.  As you walk along North Road, you can admire the very individualistic and unique house and landscape designs on huge land plots on both sides of North Road.  After passing Brook Street, you will find a gravel trail on your right to lead you back to the river bank  Take the gravel trail and walk to the river bank.  Then, you walk by the river bank and get up to Guildford Road Bridge to cross the Swan River.  On the other side of the Swan River, walk on a gravel trail by the river bank towards Kings Meadow Reserve. 

The one-way distance from Point Reserve to Kings Meadow Reserve is approximately 1.3km. 

During summer, beware of snakes as this area has a huge frog habitat.


Swan River Oxygenation

Near the Guildford Road Bridge on the Kings Meadow Reserve side of the Swan River, you will find one of two oxygenation plants and some oxygen monitoring sensors on the Swan River. 

Why Swan River Oxygenation?  The aim is to maintain a minimum concentration of oxygen (i.e. 4mg/L) that supports a wide range of aquatic life.  

Oxygenation works by supersaturating river water with oxygen. Water is taken from the oxygen-depleted bottom waters of the river and mixed under pressure with oxygen gas in the plants. The highly oxygenated water is then piped back into the bottom waters of the river where it mixes, thus distributing dissolved oxygen throughout the water column.  The effectiveness of the oxygenation program is being monitored regularly by having sensors placed in the Swan River. 

Want to learn more about Swan River Oxygenation?  Check out the Swan River Oxygenation page of the Parks and Wildlife Service website.

Want to discover more great walking locations around Perth?  Check out the “By the Waters” blogs.

Point Reserve in the Bassendean suburb is located on the bank of the Swan River.  The reserve is not huge but it has large native trees and an abundance of wildlife.  You may sit on a bench by the river bank, enjoy the picturesque riverview and appreciate the quiet moments

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[…] Alternatively, you may walk from Fishmarket Reserve to Kings Meadow Reserve on the same side of the Swan River.  Check out the Walk By The Swan River: Point Reserve <-> Kings Meadow Reserve blog. […]